B.A.M.S Course: Details, subjects, Syllabus, Admission, Fees

B.A.M.S, Duration - 5 Years

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BAMS full form is Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. It is a 5-year UG course that teaches candidates about Modern Anatomy, the principle of medicine, etc. One interested in studying this course should enrol in BAMS course. The eligibility is that the candidates must have qualified their intermediate with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Furthermore, to get admission in this course, one has to pass their NEET exam. After qualifying the exam, the applicants will get a centralised counselling invitation to choose a college based on their scores.

BAMS syllabus includes several topics such as Sanskrit, Roga Nidan, Kriya Sharir, Rasashastra, etc. Further, there are various colleges in India offering this course. The institutes include AIIMS Delhi, DBGI Dehradun, GGSIPU Delhi, and Ayurveda College Coimbatore. The BAMS course fees vary between INR 25,000 - 3,20,000.

After completing their course, one can bag many jobs such as a teacher, dietician, pharmacist, counsellor, Panchakarma practitioner, Business Development Officer, Ayurvedic Doctor, Category Manager, Resident Medical Officer, Jr. Clinical Trial Coordinator, Medical Representative. They can also enrol in a PhD programme after completing a postgraduate degree. Moreover, the BAMS salary range from INR 2 - 14 LPA. Furthermore, to know more about BAMS course, read the complete article below.

BAMS Course Details

Refer to the table below for BAMS highlights -

Course Specifications


Name of the course


BAMS Full Form

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

BAMS Entrance Examinations


BAMS Course Duration

4 years 6 months - 5 years 6 months

BAMS Eligibility

Passed 10+2 with a minimum of 50%-60% in aggregate and PCB as a mandatory subject.

BAMS Admission Process

Based on the entrance examination


INR 25,000 to INR 3,20,000.

BAMS Salary

INR 2 - 14 LPA

Top Recruiting Companies

Tata Memorial Centre, National Institute of Ayurveda, Central Ayurveda Research Institute, AIIMS Rishikesh, Dabur

BAMS Job Position

Ayurvedic Doctor, Category Manager, Business Development Officer, Resident Medical Officer, teacher, dietician, pharmacist, counsellor, Panchkarma practitioner


Why Study BAMS?

BAMS course aims to provide a thorough comprehensive education in many elements of Ayurveda to the applicant.

  • Throughout the course, students would understand the value of Ayurvedic Principles in the context of community health needs.
  • BAMS students will be able to perform effective Ayurvedic care of all types of ailments after completing the course.
  • This course also teaches students how to recognise social, economic, environmental, biological, and emotional determinants of health in a given situation and factor them into therapeutic strategies.
  • After completing this course, students will critically evaluate relevant published research literature and use it to influence Ayurvedic practice.


BAMS Eligibility Criteria

The BAMS eligibility is:-

  • Candidates must have a Science stream at Intermediate level (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology)
  • They must have a Minimum Marks: 50% to 60%, depending on the college.
  • The minimum age Limit is 17 years and maximum is 20 years (General category) and 24 years (Reserved category).

BAMS Admission Process

Admission to the BAMS programme will be based on the All-India Rank, and Percentile of Marks acquired in the NEET exam administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This admission exam is currently required for BAMS as well as for several other medical programs. Following NEET, BAMS applicants will be invited to a centralised counselling session to select a college based on their NEET scores. Colleges can next undertake a personal interview round to filter down the candidates further.

BAMS Entrance Exams

One can find the latest dates related to BAMS entrance exams below:-


BAMS Exam Name BAMS Exam Dates
NEET Already conducted (5 May '24)

BAMS Specializations



The candidates interested in pursuing the course of BAMS can do the same in various specializations. Moreover, the specializations in BAMS are mentioned below:-

  • Padartha Vigyan
  • Sharir Rachana
  • Sharir Kriya
  • Swasthavritta
  • Rasa Shastra
  • Agad Tantra
  • Rog & Vikriti Vigyan
  • Charak Samhita
  • Prasuti and Stri Roga
  • KaumaraBhritya
  • Kayachikitsa
  • Shalya Tantra
  • Shalakya Tantra
  • Charak Samhita

BAMS Distance Education

Many universities offer a bachelor's degree programme in BAMS Distance Learning to candidates at the undergraduate level.

  • Candidates are offered many career openings in various medical sectors once they have completed BAMS course.
  • The candidates can apply for the BAMS distance education admission based on  BAMS entrance exams.
  • The eligibility criteria are 12th passed and over 50% marks at the Intermediate level.

BAMS Distance Education Colleges

There are various colleges that offer BAMS course in distance education. Moreover, the list of the same can be found in the table below:-

Name of the College

BAMS Course Fees

Goutham College, Bangalore

INR 2,00,000

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), Delhi

INR 2,00,000 - 3,00,000

Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan (CBPACS), Delhi

INR 3,25,000

BAMS Syllabus

One can find the BAMS syllabus below:-

BAMS Subjects: 1st Year

BAMS Subjects: 2nd Year

Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved Itihas

Dravyaguna Vighyan


Roga Nidan

Kriya Sharir


Rachana Sharir

Charak Samhita

Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang Hridaya



BAMS Subjects: 3rd Year 

BAMS Subjects: 4th Year 





Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga

Shalya Tantra

Kaumarbhritya Parichaya

Shalakya Tantra

Charak Samhita (Uttarardha)

Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

BAMS Colleges in India

To get to know about BAMS colleges, read the table below:-

Name of the colleges

BAMS Course Fees

Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences

INR 20,91,245

Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women

INR 20,55,000

Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya

INR 3,09,510

Parul University

INR 18,75,000

DY Patil University

INR 12,54,000

Sree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research

INR 12,66,481

Shubhdeep Ayurveda Medical College

INR 2,23,000

SLN Ayurvedic College

INR 6,25,000

Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College

INR 2,50,000


BAMS provides candidates with many opportunities due to the proven effectiveness of several Ayurvedic treatment modalities. They can choose to work in various relevant businesses and earn a good living. After completing several BAMS courses, candidates can pick from the following industries:

Job Profile

BAMS Salary



Research institution










Panchakarma centre


Community health officer




BAMS Salary

  • BAMS graduates earn between INR 4,00,000 and INR 12,00,00 per year.
  • BAMS graduates are well compensated in government organisations, while in the private sector, the remuneration of BAMS graduates varies greatly depending on the employer, ranging from INR 4,00,000 to INR 8,00,000.
  • Salary is determined by a person's talents, experience in the area, job description, and other factors.


BAMS Salary In India: By Experience

The BAMS Salary by experience can be found below:-

Years of Experience

Average BAMS Salary in India (Lakhs)

BAMS Salary in India

1 -2 Years

INR 3.2 Lakh

BAMS Doctor salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.3 Lakhs to ₹ 5.7 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.0 Lakhs

2 -3 Years

INR 3.8 Lakh

BAMS Doctor salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.4 Lakhs to ₹ 7.2 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.8 Lakhs

3 -4 Years

INR 4.1 Lakh

BAMS Doctor salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.6 Lakhs to ₹ 8.8 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.1 Lakhs.

4 -5 Years

INR 4.5 Lakh

BAMS Doctor salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.4 Lakhs to ₹ 9.5 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.5 Lakhs.

5 -6 Years

INR 4.8 Lakh

BAMS Doctor salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.3 Lakhs to ₹ 9.6 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.8 Lakhs.

Check out the Salary Breakdown of Different Courses in the section below:

MBA Salary in India

BBA Salary in India

BHM Salary in India

IIT Engineer Salary in India

BSc Salary in India

Lawyer Salary in India

CMA Salary in India

Chef Salary In India

Judge Salary in India

Hotel Manager Salary

B Pharmacy Salary in India

BCA Salary in India

Air Hostess Salary In India

BHMS Doctor Salary in India


BAMS Skills Required

  • BAMS
  • BHMS
  • Ayurveda
  • Medical
  • Healthcare
  • Consulting
  • Medicine
  • Hospital
  • Claims Processing
  • Personal Care
  • Relationship Management
  • Communication Skills

BAMS: Top Recruiters

  • Patanjali Ayurved Limited
  • Dabur
  • The Himalaya Drug Company
  • Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Limited
  • Surya Herbal Limited
  • Vicco Laboratories
  • Charak Pharma Private Limited
  • Emami Limited
  • Hamdard Laboratories
  • Baidya Nath

BAMS: What to Study After

The BAMS graduate candidates can opt for the various different specializations in their MD Courses. The different specializations in MD along with their duration are as follows:

  • MD ayurveda
  • PHd in ayurveda
  • MD in ayurveda-panchakarma

Popular Courses:

MBA Course

BBA Course

B.Tech Course

B.Com Course

BCA Course

BSc Course

MBBS Course

Computer Course

LLB Course

BPT Course

B.Arch Course

BA Course

B.Ed Course

BAMS Course

BDS Course

BHMS Course

Alternate Course


MBBS , 5 Years


Beauty-Healthcare , 2 Years

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) , 4 Years


B.H.M.S , 5 Years

Healthcare - UG

Healthcare - UG , 3 Years


B.M.L.T , 3 Years

Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Bachelor of Physiotherapy , 4 Years

Medical - UG

Medical - UG , 2 Years

Frequently Asked Questions

Which course is better, BDS or BAMS

Choosing a course is entirely determined by your interests. If you want to study Ayurvedic medicine, you should study BAMS, and if you want to study dentistry, you should study BDS. The scope of BAMS: After completing BAMS, there are career opportunities

Can BAMS doctor do surgery

Ayurvedic doctors can now perform surgeries with the central government allowing post graduate (PG) students to practise general surgery alongside orthopaedic, ophthalmology, ENT and dental.

Can I get admission in the BAMS course with 300 marks in NEET exam

Dear Prospective Student, To be admitted to a government dental college, an applicant must earn at least 450 points in  NEET. A minimum of 50 percentile in the general category is required for admission to private dentistry colleges.

How to become a medical officer after BAMS

The minimum qualification required for Medical Officer post is BAMS degree. The exam will be conducted across 9 cities. The information regarding the test center will be sent to the candidate in due course of time. The test will have questions from topics

Can BAMS doctor practice allopathy

Only a few states in India allow Ayurveda practitioners to practice allopathy as well: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Uttarakhand.

Is BAMS equivalent to MBBS

They are both equivalent, but their approaches to treating patients differ. In India, the medical undergraduate course is known as MBBS, which stands for Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine. It is the country’s process of becoming a doctor

Can I do MD after BAMS

After finishing your BAMS, you can pursue an MD or MS in Ayurveda. BAMS graduates can also continue their education in a variety of medical-related fields. A Master’s in Public Health, a Master’s in Health Administration, a Post-Graduate Diplo

What to do after BAMS

Medical transcription, medical tourism, medical event management, medical journalism, medical photography, and documentation are also fields with a bright future. BAMS graduates can complete LLB and work as legal medical advisor.

Is Sanskrit compulsory for BAMS

Yes, It is compulsory to study Sanskrit in the BAMS course.

Can a BAMS doctor become a gynecologist

No, you can not. BAMS is an ayurvedic degree & for gynecologists minimum degree requirement is MBBS.

Can a BAMS doctor prescribe allopathic medicines

As per rules, BAMS doctors can practice allopathy, but BHMS (homeopathic) practitioners cannot.

Which is a better course, BAMS or BHMS

The courses are equally competitive and both will fetch good earnings. The BAMS doctor is responsible for treating the people with ayurvedic medical system and ayurvedic medication, while the BHMS doctors treat the patients with homeopathic medication.

Can a BAMS doctor practice allopathy in Maharashtra

A Maharashtra government resolution issued in November 1992 for the medical education and drugs department allows doctors with degrees in Ayurveda, Unani, homeopathy, and other therapies to practice allopathy.

What is BAMS course duration

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery or BAMS is a 5.5-year UG Ayurvedic course .

How to get admission In BAMS

To get admitted to the BAMS programme, candidates must have passed NEET with a minimum qualifying cutoff percentile. After NEET, BAMS applicants would get a centralised counselling invitation to choose a college based on their scores.

Is the BAMS course available in AIIMS

No. AIIMS is an institute for modern evidence-based medicine. There is a separate All India institute for Ayurveda.

What is a bridge course for BAMS doctors

The bridge course permits bachelor of ayurveda medicine and surgery (BAMS) doctors to practice allopathy to a certain extent at health and wellness centres (HWCs) across the state

Which is a better course, Physiotherapy or BAMS

Both courses are good. The advantage of bams over bpt is that after completion of bams , you will be a dr. While bpt is paramedical course.

Can I do MBA after BAMS

Yes, MBA course can be done after BAMS course. Candidates who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks from a recognized university are eligible to apply for an MBA course. You must have to appear and qualify

Is BAMS degree valid in USA

BAMS is not recognized in the USA. But, you can practice there under different titles like a naturopathic doctor or herbal practitioner.

What is BAMS Full Form

BAMS stands for Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.

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