IBPS PO: 20 Quick Time Management Tips

IBPS PO 2020

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (Probationary Officer)

Results Date
25th Oct 2020

exam date
R Chandrakala R Chandrakala

New Update About IBPS PO 2020

IIM Lucknow has revised CAT Admit Card 2023 release date. CAT Admit Card will now be released on 7 November 2023 @iimcat.ac.in. The release date of CAT Admit Card was previously set to be 25 October. Candidates will be able to download their respective CAT Admit Cards until the exam day by using their CAT login ID and password. The CAT 2023 Exam will be held on November 26 at approximately 400 test centres across 150 cities. The exam will be divided into three slots and will last two hours. Candidates will be able to take the test at the centre only if they bring a hard copy of their CAT 2023 Admit Card.

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IBPS PO: 20 Quick Time Management Tips

A lot of bank exam aspirants are of the opinion that they lack time. The IBPS PO Exam Pattern is such that there are a lot of questions that are required to be attempted in less time. Candidates are not able to attempt questions in a lot of cases because they are stressed to complete the same in time.

Here are a few preparation tips that might ease out the efforts of the students:

  1. Decide in advance the sections that you would be attempting in the examination.
  2. Leave a question temporarily that you might not know. Spending extra time over a question would further ruin your attempts.
  3. Attempt the least time-consuming questions such as General Awareness, Computer Awareness and English that are easy to attempt.
  4. Time-consuming questions like puzzles and reasoning can be left in the interest of attempting the maximum number of questions.
  5. More time is required to be planned for Reasoning and Quantitative section as they are tougher sections which require precision.
  6. Attempting a countless number of mock tests would give the candidates the required experience to do well in the examination.
  7. Not more than 12 minutes should be spent in General Awareness section.
  8. It is a good decision to spend time on General Awareness as it is less time-consuming.
  9. Computer section is that which needs to be attempted in the second order of preference.
  10. This section does not warrant complex problem solving and hence can be completed in minimal duration.
  11. English is also one of the easiest sections that a candidate can consider attempting.
  12. Error Detection, Synonyms and Antonyms can also be attempted in this section.
  13. Reading Comprehension is also easy to attempt on spending time on reading it right and attempting the questions.
  14. About 15-20 minutes can be devoted to the English Section.
  15. In the Reasoning section, questions on blood relations, number series and data sufficiency can be given primary preference.
  16. Seating Arrangements and Puzzles also consume lesser time.
  17. About 30 minutes can be planned for this section.
  18. You can attempt questions that boost your confidence and choose subsequent questions.
  19. Quantitative Aptitude section would also require half an hour on an average basis.
  20. Spending undeserved and unwarranted time on a single question is not the right way to attempt the IBPS PO Examination.

These are a few general tips that a candidate can follow to manage time effectively across sections. The candidates, however, can formulate specific strategies that suit their convenience. This would effectively help ensure that candidates feel in control of their preparation for IBPS PO. Sections in which a candidate is weak in should be given more preference at the time of preparation and a pre-meditated attempt should be given of the same section at the time of the examination.

IBPS PO: 20 Quick Time Management Tips

05th October, 2017 , 2 min read

IBPS PO: 20 Quick Time Management Tips

A lot of bank exam aspirants are of the opinion that they lack time. The IBPS PO Exam Pattern is such that there are a lot of questions that are required to be attempted in less time. Candidates are not able to attempt questions in a lot of cases because they are stressed to complete the same in By - R Chandrakala Read More >