10 Habits to get rid off during exams


Exam won’t be rescheduled. So, now is the time to get rid of the laziness and start preparing.

Last mile running

Avoid running at the last moment to collect notes and books. Keep everything ready before starting your preparations.

Unorganized Study Plan

Organizing a study plan is an important aspect while studying. Allotting time and following it will lessen the burden.

In-effective goal settings

One should set the goals according to their limits. Setting high goals and not being able to achieve them is very depressing.

Engaging on phone while studying

Avoid scrolling through your phone while studying.

Cramming for exams

Quality matters over quantity. Studying what’s important will benefit one more than studying everything.

Unhealthy Eating

As studying takes over, we neglect our health. Avoiding stimulants and eating healthy is as important as studying.

No breaks

Studying is important, but taking breaks to relax the mind is necessary.

Negative thinking

Worrying won’t change anything. It’s time to gear up and study efficiently.

Not getting adequate amount of sleep

Did you know learning is directly linked to sleep? An adequate amount of sleep is necessary for active working of the brain.